Our Studio has a New Home!
I am happy to announce is that we have a new home for our studio. Not just an ordinary studio, a studio we think that could be a model for a Design Agency of the future.
Check it out here!
I am happy to announce is that we have a new home for our studio. Not just an ordinary studio, a studio we think that could be a model for a Design Agency of the future.
Check it out here!
I’m super excited to share that today marks the launch of one of the biggest projects we have led and worked on to date. In partnership with ETPL, we brought to life The Next to the Skin Technology Showcase where in 8 weeks, we worked with multidisciplinary teams of scientists, engineers, and members from ETPL (the technology transfer arm of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore) to visualize the future of wearable solutions from the eyes of the consumer.
Check out the full write up at Design Sojourn.
Image by David Lofink
Design Sojourn Consulting officially opened for business today, and what a day it was! This first momentous day started slowly but ended with a heart pounding and diaphragm aching bang. I’ll tell you more about that story for sure!
Read more about this here.
Sorry for that cliffhanger of an ending in that last post where I announced that I would be leaving Philips Design at the end of September. I like to be a little dramatic at times and I thought it would be a nice lead in to the story I’m going to tell you today.
So what, you may ask, am I going to do next?
Read the full write up here.
It might not come as a surprise to most of you, but this design blogger has an alter ego as a design professional during the day! While it may seem that way at times, especially at 2 am, my life does not revolve around Design Sojourn. I don’t really talk much about my professional work on this blog, as I do like to keep my blog and work separate. Design Sojourn is a blog about my own personal views on design, and not about work. (Seen the disclaimer on the right?) However, from time to time, I make exceptions partly because the information is now in the public domain, and partly because I just can’t resist sharing it!
Read the full post here.
My name is Brian and I am an Industrial Designer, blogger and design entrepreneur.
This portfolio website catalogues my career in the world of Strategic Industrial Design and Design for Brand.
I'm always looking for great projects to collaborate on, so if you need my help, please do not hesitate to email me at:
info [at] brianling.com
What I am doing lately or Micro-blogging at its best!
Links to locations on the web where you can also find me at.
My latest thoughts on Strategic Industrial Design
Links to samples of my favorite design work. Don't miss my Portfolio page for more images, of if you like networking, hook up with me at Behance.net.
Other websites I own and manage.