Welcome to Brian Ling .com

Portfolio Website and Musings of a Strategic Design Leader

[ News ]

Archived News for 2006

– April 21 – ver. 0.8 live | DRTV uploaded

– April 19 – ver. 0.7 live | M-Disc uploaded

– April 11 – ver. 0.6 live | GMPC uploaded

– April 09 – ver. 0.5 live | bonbon e-pal uploaded

– April 07 – http://www.brianling.com ver. 0.3 live.

– March 21 – Founded http://www.IDAsia.org, a website focusing on networking designers in Asia and beyond.

– March 12 – http://www.brianling.com ver. 0.1 live.

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Design Sojourn Blog

My latest thoughts on Strategic Industrial Design

Objects of Desire

Links to samples of my favorite design work. Don't miss my Portfolio page for more images, of if you like networking, hook up with me at Behance.net.

Elsewhere on the Web

Other websites I own and manage.