Ni Hao!
I like to extend a warm welcome to all my family, friends, fellow designers, business partners, and prospective employers to my new personal portfolio website. (Version 2.0 actually)
I have been mulling over the last few months on whether it made sense to create a personal website out of WordPress when I could do it just as well in CSS/HTML as my original (V1.0) did. However as I find the web these days is a living and evolving entity, a basic CSS and HTML coded site will be difficult for my purposes such as updating my news events easily.
As a result, you now find this brand spanking new site that has a backbone driven by the ubiquitous wordpress blogging/publishing engine. Unfortunately not much will be happening here until I can get my portfolio work back up as well as program/hack/find/modify a theme to my liking.
Eventually this website will contain most of my better portfolio work, social networking links (eg linkedin, coroflot etc.), as well as links to articles and events involving myself. This site is as I would like to call a certain snap shot of my life at any one time. Plus I get to take advantage of all the cool blog communities and linking systems such as Technorati and Mybloglog.
It is my “Brand You” central of all things that is Brian Ling.
Meanwhile do check out some of the other places I spend most of my time at:
- Design Sojourn : Writings on Industrial Design + Entrepreneurship
- : My non-profit Network focusing on fostering and showcasing multi-disciplinary industrial design talent from Asia and beyond.
- : One of my other passions. This site is all about real golfing on the Nintendo Wii.
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