Welcome to Brian Ling .com

Portfolio Website and Musings of a Strategic Design Leader

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Have You Ever Wondered What I Did During the Day?

It might not come as a surprise to most of you, but this design blogger has an alter ego as a design professional during the day! While it may seem that way at times, especially at 2 am, my life does not revolve around Design Sojourn. I don’t really talk much about my professional work on this blog, as I do like to keep my blog and work separate. Design Sojourn is a blog about my own personal views on design, and not about work. (Seen the disclaimer on the right?) However, from time to time, I make exceptions partly because the information is now in the public domain, and partly because I just can’t resist sharing it!

Read the full post here.

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Design Sojourn Blog

My latest thoughts on Strategic Industrial Design

Objects of Desire

Links to samples of my favorite design work. Don't miss my Portfolio page for more images, of if you like networking, hook up with me at Behance.net.

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